Wild Animals
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Regular price $2000 $20.00
Your gift will provide funding for books, fuel and other necessary supplies that keep this project going. The Kouprey Express spends much of its time working in communities that are adjacent to national parks, protected forests, and other key centers for wildlife and biodiversity. There, communities are highly dependent on the environment, which provides much of their food, water, shelter, and traditional medicine. Because these...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
The Story of a Baby Chimpanzee tells the captivating story of a child's role in the successful rescue and rehabilitation of an infant chimpanzee. Your gift will help distribute coloring books to children across Africa, through the conservation education programs of PASA member sanctuaries. This richly-illustrated, 30-page coloring book, published in English, French, Portuguese, Dutch, German and Spanish, was written by PASA educators in Uganda,...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
This gift will help pay for one interpretive sign to be installed on the Reserve. The cost of each sign is $1,000. These signs will help to make American Prairie Reserve a more "visitor friendly" destination. They will provide visitors with a better understanding of the project's significance and the natural and cultural history of the landscape that the project protects.
Regular price $68300 $683.00
Your gift of a day will provide more than 250 rescued orphans with two nutritious meals of fresh produce; a full day of exploration and play in large, lush and secure forest enclosures; ongoing rehabilitation and socialization; fresh browse and nesting material in cleaned sleeping quarters; health checks, vaccinations, and disease diagnosis and treatment; and all the keepers, cooks, drivers, vet techs and educators that...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Your gift will provide one bird with surgery to repair a fractured wing and return it back into the wild.
Regular price $9500 $95.00
Your gift will help us remove a section of fence the length of a football field. By removing unneeded fence on the Reserve, your gift will open valuable corridors of wildlife migration for pronghorn and other regional species.
Feed Orphan Chimps
Three days of bananas
In Defense Of Animals-Africa/Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will provide three days worth of bananas for the chimpanzees at Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center. All fruit is purchased from local villages, creating an economy where none had existed before. Orphaned chimpanzees at Sanaga-Yong Center require life-long care and protection. Your gift will make a real difference.
Regular price $8000 $80.00
Your donation will fund 300 informative brochures to be distributed in roadways, zoos, malls and other public places, to educate people so that they won't keep wild animals as pets and to help them learn the damages wildlife traffic causes to the environment and society. The donations will be used to produce a materials for 12 Renctas campaigns during one year. Your donation will help...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will help provide Wildlife Alliance with the suport necessary for implementing our three tiered approach to conservation. This approach based on Wildlife Alliance's park protection model: combines ranger patrolling, community outreach, and wildlife monitoring to stop wildlife poaching and illegal logging while helping to develop income alternatives for surrounding communities.
Regular price $5,00000 $5,000.00
$5,000 covers the cost of one satellite collar, allowing us to better monitor our bison herd and share real-time data about the herd's movements with project enthusiasts.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Make an important contribution and a special connection with the animals at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium by joining the Aquadoption program. Your Aquadoption will help pay for the feeding and care of an animal on exhibit at the Aquarium, as well as make a statement of commitment to keeping the Santa Monica Bay and its animals healthy and safe.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will be used to rebuild worn-out boxes and purchase field equipment