Protect Biodiversity
One month of bulletins

Brazilian Network to Combat the Wild Animal Trafficking
The traffic of wild animals is the third greatest illegal activity in the world, responsible for taking around 38 million animals from nature annually. Around 100 species disappear from our planet every day. The extinction causes loss of ecological equilibrium, threatening life on Earth. Renctas contributes to the end of this illegal activity, using information as a weapon.
The Gift
Your gift will help Renctas to send informative bulletins to the NET members for one month. The purpose of this project is to strengthen and increase the actions of the Monitoring Center of the Brazilian Biodiversity, whose information helps in the fight against the illegal trade of wild fauna. In addition to monitoring the dealers' activities and fighting this crime, this gift will help Renctas to disseminate information on illegal trade, educate the public about the environmental, economic, sanitary and social consequences of this trade, and motivating society to denounce wild animal trafficking. The project researchs the media daily in the main trafficking regions, tracking data with environmental agencies and information with fauna conservation organizations. Renctas consolidates all the information and produces reports and material for its campaigns.