Adopt A Penguin
Alternative fuels

Defenders of Wildlife
Unfortunately for some penguins, the earth's temperatures are rising at an alarming rate and polar ice is melting. In Antarctica, the annual melting season has lengthened by up to 3 weeks in recent decades. Melting ice means loss of habitat and critical food sources, such as shrimp-like krill, which depend on the icecaps to reproduce. Tragically, populations have decreased by 80% in some areas and most scientists agree that global warming is the primary culprit.
The Gift
Your gift to Adopt A Penguin will enable Defenders of Wildlife to work with automakers and members of Congress to raise the standard fuel efficiency of cars and trucks. The burning of fossil fuels is the single most human-related cause of rising temperatures around the globe. In addition, your gift will help Defenders work to promote increased reliance on alternative fuels such as wind and solar, as well as an increased efficiency of our standard household appliances. Your gift will help Defenders save penguins and other imperiled wildlife.