Adopt A Sea Otter
Prevent oil drilling

Defenders of Wildlife
Unfortunately, today’s sea otters suffer from diseases, habitat degradation and water pollution, entrapment in fishing gear, the ever-present threat of coastal oil spills, and illegal shootings and occasional boat strikes. Now, the powerful and polluting oil industry is working to exploit even more of our coastal waters to harmful drilling, exposing sea otters and countless other wildlife to potentially devastating effects from inevitable oil spills and habitat degradation.
The Gift
Your gift will help Defenders of Wildlife work to educate people about the need to protect sea otters, as well as help local communities and the fishing industry live in harmony with these adorable little animals. You will also enable us to continue our efforts to keep Big Oil companies from evicting sea otters from the only area they have left. Your gift to Adopt A Sea Otter will help Defenders save sea otters and other imperiled wildlife.