Wild Animals
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Regular price $12500 $125.00
We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of polar bears and other wildlife over to Big Oil
A Friend of the Forest
National Forest Foundation
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your gift will help care for America's National Forests – treasured 193 million acres of remarkable beauty, clear streams, majestic mountains, open valleys, and so much more. Your support will also help ensure all Americans have an opportunity to connect with these lands and experience the amazing gifts they offer. Let's protect our public lands together.
Help Salmon Thrive!
Ocean Blue Project
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your contribution will help communities achieve clean streams and bring us one step closer to planting 1 million native trees for streams by 2025. Enhancing urban streams filter water if an abundance of flora and fauna is thriving. Native plants and trees not only filter, but provide stream canopy that allows for a consistent water temperature where threatened and endangered native salmon can better survive....
All In For the Planet!
1% For The Planet
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your donation today supports our important work. We leverage every dollar you give to the 1% for the Planet organization to drive at least ten dollars to environmental nonprofits. Since 2002, more than $200 million has been generated to fuel the work of our environmental nonprofit partners. Your support helps to make the mission possible. Every year, philanthropy provides 1% for the Planet with the...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
This gift will provide one Project Outwild program to a school classroom or community group. Each program includes professionally designed cirriculum that meets all state educational requirements, educational materials, and of course our animal ambassadors for up to fifty students. The Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge has a significant edge in the educational arena due to the use of animal ambassadors. The animals inspire, excite and...
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Wild Animals Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Park rangers play a vital role in wildlife protection, as they are the first, and sometimes only, line of defense when it comes to protecting animals and animal habitat. Wildlife Alliance not only trains rangers to protect national parks and other protected areas; we also provide continuous logistical and technical support to rangers, thus allowing them to patrol areas more efficiently and track down poachers...
Regular price $45600 $456.00
You can help us by sponsoring a horse. Your donation covers the cost of food and minerals for one year!
Sponsor Chimpanzee
Care for orphan chimp
In Defense Of Animals-Africa/Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center
Regular price $12000 $120.00
This gift of a six-month sponsorship will provide critical funds for food and medical care for orphaned chimpanzees. Once rescued and transported to Sanaga-Yong Center, chimpanzees require life-long care and protection. Your gift will make a true difference!
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Your gift provides one baby mammal or bird with a complete physical exam, specialized formula, vitamin supplements, bedding, and even toys for an enitre month.
Regular price $2,50000 $2,500.00
For more than a dozen years, dedicated veterinary and care staff have worked around the clock to save the lives of rescued orphans who are often wounded, ill, starved and traumatized. Emergency surgery, critical wound care, rehydration and nourishment are just part of the physical and psychological rehabilitation Ape Action Africa provides to each orphan. Your gift will help make sure that the next orphan...
Regular price $50000 $500.00
This gift will provide emergency rescue services to one stranded marine mammal including all dolphins and small whales. These services included transportation to rehabilitation center, on-beach medications and treatments, physical exam,and all diagnotics. The Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge is a lead response team for the Federal Marine Mammal Stranding Network, assisting with all marine mammal strandings from central Walton County west to the Alabama state...
Protect Wild Animals
Anti-trafficking training
Brazilian Network to Combat the Wild Animal Trafficking
Regular price $20000 $200.00
Renctas works with Brazilian public environmental enforcement and control agencies to strengthen environmental workers. The objective of the project is to train those officially responsible for environmental controlling and monitoring in the fight against wild animal trafficking. When we research the wild fauna traffic in each Brazilian state, we inform and give direction to the monitoring agencies responsible for stopping this trade. The development of...
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Your gift will help Renctas educate one school about wild animal trafficking.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your gift will prove Wildlife Alliance with the tools necessary to help suport these local communities. The aim of Wildlife Alliance's Community Agriculture Development Project (CADP) is to reverse the thirty year cycle of poverty and natural resource destruction that started when the Khmer Rouge confiscated farmers' plowing equipment. By giving plows and seeds back to these farmers, CADP's goal is to help them return...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will enable PASA to continue and expand its unwavering advocacy with governments, law enforcement and international bodies for long-term protection of Africa's chimpanzees, gorillas and other endangered primates. Your support will help increase awareness and enforcement of anti-trafficking laws across Africa and the Middle East, essential to protecting Africa’s endangered primates from extinction.
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
The objective of this gift is to build a permanent investment fund to finance research projects and actions for the preservation and conservation of biodiversity, guaranteeing the sustainability and autonomy of environmental institutions and their initiatives. Renctas has created this fund, where part of the money raised annually is reverted to the small projects and the part is reinvested in an endowment fund, to maintain...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your donation will enable Renctas to produce one 30 minute weekly radio program. The program will be transmitted in many different Brazilian radio stations and for free in the Internet, to disseminate the information in a ludic way, reaching some of the most distant places of Brazil, where there is no television. The objective of this project is increasing environmental awareness. On the Program, fauna...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Renctas distributes free environmental education kits with videos and folders to Brazilian public schools, to increase the awareness of children from 12 to 18 years old about the damages wild animal trafficking causes to society and the environment. Each donation will finance one Educational Kit for a school. Brazilian states where the traffic of wild animals is more important are given priority in the distribution...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide funds to help our team of scientists working to monitor, protect and identify manatees.