Shoes For Women
1 pair of shoes

Alternatives for Girls
At AFG, we provide a free shower, food, clothes, shoes, counseling and resources to women who walk in off the street. The clothes and shoes are donated, which limits the variety we can offer. The one item that many women need and request is shoes. However, shoes are the most difficult items to get donated, especially comfortable footwear, which if donated are usually pretty worn down. That's why we need your help to provide this basic necessity to girls and women.
The Gift
Your $20 gift will allow us to purchase one pair of footwear for the girls and women in any of our programs. The option of purchasing shoes instead of relying on donations allows us to purchase the kind of shoes we know most of the women need here. We are always in need of bigger sized walking shoes. With this gift, we can buy a pair of brand new shoes that will last much longer for these women. We all know the affect a shoe that does fit versus a shoe that doesn’t fit can have on you physically. For these women, that physical discomfort is compounded each day since many do not own a car and walking is their main form of transportation. Therefore, a good pair of shoes is very important for their survival. Buy this gift to help ease the physical pain of these young girls and women.