Help Sick Women
One month of treatment

Feminist Majority Foundation
Mifepristone, an anti-progesterone drug, has the potential to treat certain types of life-threatening illnesses primarily affecting women, such as 77-85% of uterine cancer, 60 percent of breast cancer, and 26-45% of ovarian cancer, as well as some types of brain tumors and acute psychotic depression. However, since mifepristone currently only has FDA approval for early medical abortion, patients must come to FMF.
The Gift
The Feminist Majority Foundation runs the only Mifepristone Compassionate Use Program in the country. Our program serves as the only hope for many critically ill patients, mostly women, who have exhausted all standard therapies, including chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Mifepristone is a life line for these women, and some men, some of whom have depended on this drug for over a decade. Since the program’s inception in 1998, we have provided mifepristone to more than 140 patients. FMF distributes the drug at cost to physicians whose patients are able to pay for the drug, at a reduced rate to those who can pay in part, and free to patients unable to afford this medication considered experimental and not usually covered by insurance. Your $105 contribution will help us provide the drug for 1 month to a critically ill patient.