Train Young Leaders
Student leader training

Feminist Majority Foundation
Today’s leaders often cite their experiences in college as developing their leadership skills and self-confidence. In order to develop leadership abilities among women and people of color, the Feminist Majority Foundation has devoted significant resources to leadership training for community college students. The majority of students attending community colleges are low-income women of color, who may not have access to the kinds of opportunities available at elite colleges and universities.
The Gift
Since its founding, the Feminist Majority Foundation has built a tradition of mobilizing young people in advocacy and activism for women’s rights and health and non-violence. FMF’s Campus Program works to recruit and train the next generation of feminist leaders on college campuses nationwide. Our Choices Campus Leadership Program provides young women with organizing skills and tools to lead, run for campus-wide office, educate their peers, counter the threats to women’s empowerment and reproductive rights, increase access to reproductive health services, and reduce violence against women. FMF provides students with extensive educational materials and training to facilitate their work both on and off campus. Through workshops on campuses and regional and national conferences, students learn public speaking, media, fundraising and grassroots organizing strategies. Your $100 gift will defray the cost of an FMF leadership training conference for a community college student.