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Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Your donation will give one Runway Peace Project kit to a community or campus library. Runway Peace

Educate with Style

One Peace Project kit

Women of Color Resource Center logo

Women of Color Resource Center


War and state violence destroy women's lives worldwide. Policies that aggravate military conflicts have devastating consequences for women and their families. Women of color are negatively impacted by militarism as armed services personnel or as family members. Militarism affects women in communities targeted by the war on terrorism and women who rely on programs threatened by inflated military budgets. Women's personal security is undermined by a culture of aggression and violence.

The Gift

Your donation will give one Runway Peace Project kit to a community or campus library. Runway Peace Project is a popular education tool that educates on militarism and helps community groups organize anti-war fashion shows. The kit includes the documentary, “Fashion Resistance to Militarism," which challenges viewers to consider the prevalence of militarism in popular culture, a fact sheet titled, “The 411: What Every Girl Should Know (about militarism)" and a step-by-step guide to organizing an anti-war fashion show. Communities strut their stuff as they examine the powerful influence of US militarism on popular culture, women and communities of color. Community members can use the organizing kit to host their own fashion show and educate themselves and their community on militarism and gender, and create peaceful solutions to rampant militarism in our society!