World Agroforestry Centre
See our GiftsOverview
World Agroforestry Centre scientists are working to bring about an 'agroforestry transformation' tin developing countries that will lead to massive increases in the use of working trees on working landscapes grown by the rural poor. A key objective is to provide the science needed to ensure long-term food security, improved health and nutrition, increased income and a regenerated natural environment.
The Centre's mission is to advance the science and practice of agroforestry to transform the lives and landscapes of the rural poor in developing countries.
The Centre is the world’s leading research institution on tropical agroforestry. As part of its work to bring tree-based solutions to bear on poverty and environmental problems, Centre scientists have developed new technologies that boost food production, conserve and utilize genetic resources, rehabilitate degraded landscapes, protect fragile watersheds, and mitigate the effects of global climate change. The Centre also places a premium on strengthening the capacity of institutions - local, national and regional - to participate in generating and applying innovations in agroforestry and integrated natural resources research.
Significant reductions in poverty have been achieved through increased production of sustainable tree products for home consumption and the market. These include: restoration of soil fertility; negotiation support services for rural people who lack rights to the land; reduced deforestation; increased diversity; improved nutrition to reduce the impacts of illness associated with HIV/AIDS; better access to medicinal trees, the main source of medication for 80% of Africa’s population.
Brazil, Cameroon, China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania, United Republic of, Thailand, Uganda, Viet Nam, Zambia, Zimbabwe
United Nations Avenue
PO Box 30677
Nairobi, 00100
Phone: (409) 737-1388
EIN: 31-1567778
Countries and Regions
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your gift of $10 will support soil restoration research for a year on one square yard of one of Africa's most fragile ecosystems. Your support will supply the scientific data needed to halt degradation and lead to the planting indigenous tree species, many of which are fast disappearing in Western Kenya. The data generated will be used starting in 2008 to rehabilitate large sections of...