Youth Sports
See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Youth Sports nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
Also, be sure to create a Wish List and let your friends know you would welcome a donation in your name, in lieu of yet another present.
Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Youth Sports or any cause.
Basic Needs
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Regular price $3700 $37.00
Your gift will provide supplies for a KaBOOM! Play Day, which brings out an entire community for one day focused on the importance (and fun!) of play. At KaBOOM!, we believe that kids who play are less likely to be obese and develop obesity-related health problems. They also develop the cognitive skills that are positively linked to learning and academic performance. And they also learn...
Regular price $6200 $62.00
Your gift will provide one tether ball, rope & pole. Add this element and let kids exercise their bodies as they hit, swing and whack the tether ball. At KaBOOM!, we believe that kids who play are less likely to be obese and develop obesity-related health problems. They also develop the cognitive skills that are positively linked to learning and academic performance. And they also...
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your gift of a basketball will initially teach basketball skills and then serve as a reminder of our camp and the educational lessons also taught at our camps. The ball will be custom-printed with a public awareness message about staying in school, saying no to drugs/smoking, or being healthy. The balls will be given out to campers as a reward, not just for their athletic...
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Your gift of $60 will buy a proper suit for a girl who could not otherwise affor it
Regular price $4000 $40.00
With a properly fitting suit a boy can get into the water and concentrate on learning his strokes
Regular price $31000 $310.00
Everyone recalls the thrill of flying through the air and that moment when you wondered if might be able to touch the sky. Your gift will help provide a timeless thrill from one the most universal symbols of play! If we want a world full of healthy, happy and successful adults, we need to create a world where kids can play! And after all, what...
Regular price $10600 $106.00
This gift provides a sandbox which lets kids learn about sharing, playing well with others and how to create amazing sand castles! Help kids develop the social skills they'll need their whole lives by learning them in a sandbox first.