Earn a revenue stream from the new social media app on your phone.
Earn a revenue stream from the new social media app on your phone.
A special revenue opportunity for you from Changing the Present and Tsu
Opportunities for nonprofits, schools, teachers, and students, too.
Can you spot the difference?
That's right. The money that normally buys yachts and jets for tycoons could support you, instead.
(We're not naming names, but one famous social media founder is worth nearly $100 billion.)
Another Revenue Source from Tsu
You can also earn revenue when your friends accept your invitation to Tsu and share content. The ensuing ad revenue goes:
-- 10% to you
-- and 50% to your friends.
It's enough to make anyone smile.
Of course you already have social media accounts
Keep posting there. Just take a minute to:
-- post the same content to Tsu, and start earning your share of the ad revenue.
-- invite your friends to join you there, and start earning your share of their ad revenue, as well.
This revenue-sharing offer is only available for a limited time during the Beta phase.
Don't procrastinate. Don't miss out.
This special offer is brought to you by ChangingThePresent.
The New York Times called us, "an Amazon.com of the nonprofit world."
We help nonprofits capture some of the $450 billion Americans spend each year on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents. After you sign up for Tsu, come back to learn more. Create your charitable wish list, and be known for what you care about.