Build A Team
Convene researchers

Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
While great strides are being made in brain cancer research, we need to work together to accelerate a cure. Progress can be made, but many questions remain, e.g., “How do we stimulate collaboration between institutions?"; “Are we as coordinated as we should be?"; “What is missing?"; “What is needed for infrastructure support;" and “What are our immediate next steps?" These are questions best answered by working together as a team.
The Gift
Your gift will help pay the way for one researcher to attend the ABC2 Annual Scientific Meeting. Over the years, we have found this annual scientific meeting to be the most effective means by which to draw the field closer together and foster collaboration across institutional lines. The annual meeting emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive climate for scientific and medical research with a focus on accelerating the development of new therapies for patients.