Human Rights

Human Rights

Please donate $2 or more to:
(1) support our work to protect Human Rights and
(2) get a profile page to improve your online reputation

You want to protect human rights. You need to enhance your online reputation.

Now you can do both, at the same time. Your donation of just $2 (that is less than a cup of coffee) will:

  • help our nonprofit generate more funding for nonprofits working to protect human rights.
  • improve your online reputation with a profile page on this site.

Just follow these easy instructions!

  • Donate $2 (or more if you want to make a greater impact)
  • Grab the order number from the thank-you page or from the email receipt.
  • Go to to create your profile page
  • Enter that order number and your email address into the registration form so we know you contributed.
  • Create your profile page.
  • It will go live within a few business days, and we will notify you when it does.

Billions of people and animals join us in thanking you! And you will look like a star whenever anyone googles you!