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Basic Needs


Countries and Regions


Give a Llama

Share of a Llama

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $20.00

Llamas and alpacas have special hooves that do not damage the fragile ecosystem--helping communities preserve what little resources are available. And unlike other animals, they can carry heavy loads at high altitudes. Plus, their fine wool is highly prized and provides families with clothing to stay warm and income opportunities that are so hard to come by in the region.

Hatch Hope

Chicks for a family

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $20.00

Fully grown, a single hen can lay more than 200 eggs per year. So your starter flock of 10 to 50 chicks will provide plenty of protein-rich eggs to eat, to sell at the market for income, or to pass on the gift to other families in need. And because chickends need very little space and thrive on readily available feed or pests like insects,...

Give a Goat

Share of a Goat

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $10.00

Goats are tough to be certain, yet they are amazingly gentle. So friendly, in fact, that it is the children who often care for a family's goat--building bonds and learning lifesaving skills. Heifer goats can give a family up to a gallon of milk every day. Many families use what's left over to make yogurts, cheeses or sell at the market for income to pay...

Support Small Farms

Honey in Ethiopia

IDE-International Development Enterprises

Regular price $5.00

Your gift will be used to give small farmers in rural Ethiopia new market opportunities to sell their honey and pepper products domestically and globally. Specifically, IDE will use your gift to provide farmer groups with business skills, technical support, and solid market information. These tools will allow small farmers to lift themselves and their communities out of poverty through effective participation in local, national...

Give Honeybees

One hive for a family

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $30.00

Your gift of Heifer International honeybees includes a bee package, the box and hive, and training in the latest beekeeping techniques. And since bees require relatively little space and have low maintenance costs, your gift of honeybees is a great way to help provide nutrition and income to families living in extreme poverty.

African Technology

Greatest Needs

IDE-International Development Enterprises

Regular price $5.00

Your gift will allow IDE to respond to the urgent needs of our communities, allowing us to have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. Your gift will be used to develop affordable farming technologies such as treadle pumps, drip irrigation systems or improved well drilling techniques. IDE will put your money to work where it will have the greatest influence on rural...

Give Tree Seedlings

Share of Seedlings

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $10.00

Trees have many functions on small family farms. Their roots hold precious top soil in place, and the branches of some varieties provide vitamin-laden fruit--a ready source of both nutrition and income. And in regions where cooking is still done with firewood, families with trees can use fallen branches instead of purchasing or poaching from forest reserves.

Give a Heifer

Share of a Heifer

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $50.00

When a family has a cow, every morning there's a glass of rich milk for the children to drink before heading off to school. Classes are paid for with the sale of extra milk because with high-quality heifers, there is more than enough milk to go around. And cows can even help crops grow as their fertilizing manure is mixed into the soil.

Give a Cow

Share of a cow

Beyond The 11th Incorporated

Regular price $10.00

This gift will provide a widow a real chance to survive. The average income for a widow-headed household in Afghanistan is only $16/month - compared to $48/month for a men. Owning a cow that produces milk will not only give her family an income, on average $120/month, it gives them nutrition. In addition, the income will make it possible for her to send her children...

Flock of Hope

Chicks ducks goslings

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $60.00

With a Flock of Hope, egg production will begin in almost no time! Where families, especially children, are malnourished, delicious eggs will mean daily protein. Where families are impoverished, eggs will be taken to market and sold, raising much-needed funds for clothing, medicine and more. And where the earth is dry and barren, droppings from the birds will provide the fertilizer to increase farm production....

Water Maize

Irrigation system

Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa

Regular price $100.00

Your donation will be used to help farmers harvest water that is available to them. A simple irrigation system connecting their farms to major rivers is enough to double their productivity. This gift will be used to improve the knowledge to maintain water catchment areas, where water is stored during heavy rain and used at a later stage to irrigate farmer’s fields. Your gift will...

Sustainable Growth

Greatest Needs

IDE-International Development Enterprises

Regular price $5.00

Your gift will allow IDE to respond to the urgent needs of our communities, allowing us to have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. Your gift will be used to fund needed development projects which respond to the gaps in development effecting rural farmers around the world. The response of IDE varies based on local needs, resources and customs, but seeks to...

Plant A Garden

Seeds and tools

International Medical Corps

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will provide seeds and tools for one woman. When you give a woman something as simple as the seeds and tools she needs to grow food, you are empowering her and her entire community to break free from the cycle of hunger and disease. You are supporting good nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture, and helping to strengthen communities that have been affected by conflict...

Give A Goat

One goat for a family

Heifer Project International Inc

Regular price $120.00

Goats are tough to be certain, yet they are amazingly gentle. So friendly, in fact, that it is the children who often care for a family's goat--building bonds and learning lifesaving skills. Heifer goats can give a family up to a gallon of milk every day. Many families use what's left over to make yogurts, cheeses or sell at the market for income to pay...

Farming with Nature

Community investment

Ecoagriculture Partners

Regular price $50.00

Your support will directly help farmer, pastoral, forest and fisher groups working with Ecoagriculture Partners to invest in ecoagriculture. Small gifts go a long way. Several examples of recent community investments include: The Kalinga Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines invested in irrigated rice terraces for fish and vegetable production, growing more food and protecting mountain biodiversity. Communities in Rajasthan, India, invested in small mud dams...

Train Farmers


TransFair USA

Regular price $500.00

Your gift will provide farmers in the developing world with quality improvement and other capacity-building training, through a gift to TransFair USA’s Global Producer Services department. GPS is a unique, market-based model for international development that guarantees small farmers direct access to business opportunities, as well as the tools and resources they need to seize them.

Tell Farmers' Stories

Grassroots outreach

TransFair USA

Regular price $250.00

Help farmers tell their stories to Americans, and take advantage of opportunities on the international market through a gift to TransFair USA’s Strategic Outreach programs. TransFair USA’s Outreach work supports farmer speaking tours and other consumer education activities designed to get the word out about Fair Trade, and connect farmers to their international buyers.

Teach New Skills

Spice Cultivation

IDE-International Development Enterprises

Regular price $5.00

Your gift will allow rural Bangladeshi farmers within the northwestern districts to move out of the poverty cycle of subsistence farming. IDE will teach farmers the required skills to harvest and process high demand spices such as cinnamon, chili and turmeric. With your help, IDE will fund additional training seminars focused on harvesting, processing, drying, storing, cleaning sorting, and packaging techniques. Spices are a great...

Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Agriculture Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.

Support Partnership

Networks for Ecoag

Ecoagriculture Partners

Regular price $150.00

Ecoagriculture Partners was formed specifically to support such alliances. Strong partnerships between farmers, conservationists, researchers, rural leaders and policymakers are the only way to harmonize agricultural production and wildlife conservation—and thereby provide sustainable solutions for poor communities. A donation to support our partnership activities is a wonderful gift for friends or family members concerned about food and hunger, environmental conservation or international development. Your donation...