We are adding charitable gifts from nonprofits that meet needs in Nepal.


If you have favorite organizations, please let us know. Contact information appears at the bottom of the page. 

Basic Needs

Countries and Regions


Teach A Child

Learning toys in Nepal

Rural Education and Development, Inc.

Regular price $25.00

Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. The self-supporting library community centers created by READ each feature a section designed just for children, with kid-size furniture, books for toddlers to teens and toys to make learning fun. Your contribution will provide new educational tools with appeal for young minds anxious to learn.

Support A Librarian

One month's salary

Rural Education and Development, Inc.

Regular price $75.00

Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. When READ Global helps a community to build and outfit a library community center, the organization also helps to recruit and train a librarian who will help villagers make the most of their new facility. Your contribution not only supports the salary of an invaluable librarian—it makes...

Supply A Library

Computers for Nepal

Rural Education and Development, Inc.

Regular price $9,240.00

Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. Your contribution will outfit one of READ Global’s library community centers with a technology hub that includes three computers and basic software for word processing, spreadsheets and bookkeeping. Your gift of a technology center for a rural Nepal READ library will be provided by READ Global.