Ploughshares Fund
See our GiftsOverview
Ploughshares Fund’s work is driven by a vision of a world where nuclear, chemical and biological weapons no longer threaten our families and our world, and where relations between nations are driven by respect for international law and cooperation rather than by fear of annihilation. Pooling donations from individuals, families and foundations, we support the smartest people with the best ideas for building a safer, more peaceful world.
Ploughshares Fund supports people who are working to prevent the spread and use of nuclear, biological, chemical and other weapons of war, and to prevent conflicts that could lead to the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Ploughshares Fund supports outstanding initiatives designed to prevent the spread and use of nuclear weapons; contain nuclear materials; eliminate biological and chemical weapons; prevent the spread of missile technology and preserve outer space as a weapon-free sanctuary; and prevent armed conflict. Within these larger categories are programs to lock down and clean out vulnerable nuclear materials in order to prevent nuclear terrorism; to stop the development of a new generation of nuclear weapons by the U.S. and other countries; to promote direct engagement with countries of concern at the governmental and non-governmental levels; and to promote strong, effective international peacekeeping. In addition to making direct grants to organizations around the world, Ploughshares Fund is at the forefront of efforts to strengthen and revitalize the peace and security community so that we speak with a common voice on urgent issues and thereby help shape public policy on these issues.
In the 25 years since it was founded, Ploughshares Fund has become one of the leading sources of support and leadership on these issues, currently investing over $4 million per year in the peace and security community. It is our grantees, however, who make the impact – the scientists who are providing accurate assessments of the nuclear threats in Iran, North Korea and elsewhere; the coalition of groups that convinced Congress to eliminate funding for the nuclear bunker buster; the human rights advocates who achieved a landmine ban treaty in record time. The list goes on.
United States, Russian Federation, China, India, Pakistan, Canada, Japan, Korea
Fort Mason Center, B-330
San Francisco, CA 94123
Phone: (415) 775-2244
EIN: 94-2764520
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will help maintain space as a shared, weapon-free sanctuary for exploration and communication by allowing us to advance some of the most practical approaches for keeping outer space weapon-free. “A Citizens Guide to Space Security” explains in clear and compelling language how U.S. plans to dominate space and potentially introduce weapons in orbit would actually undermine national and international security. Getting this booklet...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will support engagement between Islam and the West on issues of shared concern, particularly violent conflict and the use of nuclear weapons. Your gift will produce and send Study and Action Guides to 10 Islamic Centers and 10 Churches. Called the "Muslim-Christian Study and Action Guide on the Nuclear Weapons Danger,” this reference guide identifies how closely the two faith traditions view nuclear...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your gift will provide a unique opportunity for a young person to lead the way toward a safer, more peaceful future. Your gift will allow one student to participate in important security policy discussions at a national conference. Participating students will then organize events at their own schools to reach out to elected officials and make their voices heard on important security policy. This gift...