Technology Access
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Regular price $2500 $25.00
Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. The self-supporting library community centers created by READ each feature a section designed just for children, with kid-size furniture, books for toddlers to teens and toys to make learning fun. Your contribution will provide new educational tools with appeal for young minds anxious to learn.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. When READ Global helps a community to build and outfit a library community center, the organization also helps to recruit and train a librarian who will help villagers make the most of their new facility. Your contribution not only supports the salary of an invaluable librarian—it makes...
Regular price $9,24000 $9,240.00
Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. Your contribution will outfit one of READ Global’s library community centers with a technology hub that includes three computers and basic software for word processing, spreadsheets and bookkeeping. Your gift of a technology center for a rural Nepal READ library will be provided by READ Global.