Technology Access
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Regular price $2000 $20.00
Hands on Optics or HOO helps kids learn by doing, making discoveries, and thinking like a scientist. It nurtures their spirit of adventure and increases their knowledge of science and technology. It opens the world of optics as a discipline and potential career path - and broadens their perception of what science is about. It integrates a wide range of subjects - from biology and...
Regular price $30000 $300.00
Your donation of a basic computer will open up many opportunities for these disadvantaged children, including advanced education, self tutoring and even job training. We want our children to succeed in this rapidly globalizing world. Help Better Future International in our mission to help orphans explore the world from their computer class. We will also accept donations of laptop computers that have working cd/dvd players...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
Students throughout the world are eager to know more about each other's cultures to do their part to build understanding and peace, and at the same time become global citizens. The Internet now lets students work together on educational projects as part of a teacher's classroom activities. Your gift of $75 provides one month's Internet service and enables a school in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen,...