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Regular price $5200 $52.00
Your gift will improve the quality of life for rural communities. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the Americas. CRS Honduras is working with our partner to meet the water needs of poor farm families. This project includes the construction of gravity-based irrigation systems that are best suited for the rocky, hilly terrain of the project sites. It also provides education and training...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
With a donation of $100, a motorized rope pump (MRP) capable of lifting over 10,000 gallons of clean drinking water per day from depths of over 115 feet for less that will serve a family, school, hospital, orphanage and in some cases will be the only source of clean water for entire villages. The motorized rope pump is locally manufactured ensuring it can be serviced...
Regular price $5,00000 $5,000.00
Rainwater harvesting systems with a capacity of 100,000 liters are enough to meet water and sanitations needs for 500 school children for 6 months. Your gift of $5000 will provide clean drinking water to 50 children in school for more than 3 months, will help reach the total cost of $10,000 for such a storage system, and will provide trucked water supply during times of...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Rainwater harvesting systems with a capacity of 100,000 liters are enough to meet water and sanitations needs for 500 school children for 6 months. Your gift of $1000 will provide clean drinking water to 10 children in school for more than 3 months, will help reach the total cost of $10,000 for such a storage system, and will provide trucked water supply during times of...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Rainwater harvesting systems with a capacity of 100,000 liters are enough to meet water and sanitations needs for 500 school children for 6 months. Your gift of $100 will provide clean drinking water to 1 child in school for 3 months, will help reach the total cost of $10,000 for such a storage system, as well as provide trucked water supply during times of drought...
Regular price $3,00000 $3,000.00
Your gift of $3,000 will provide a new well and a safe source of water for a town or village. From digging a well - to teaching a community how to keep it clean – to distributing water containers – your gift provides people with their most basic need. Clean water. Instead of the latest fad that’s forgotten in a few months, why not give...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
One of IWMI’s most important mandates is its role in capacity building to strengthen its own field research capacity and make a strong contribution to professional development of water resources researchers, especially those from developing countries. Your gift will help us disseminate our research materials to educational institutions in Africa that could serve as course material and learning tools for students of water management and...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
One of IWMI’s most important mandates is its role in capacity building to strengthen its own field research capacity and make a strong contribution to professional development of water resources researchers, especially those from developing countries. Your gift will help us disseminate our research materials to educational institutions in Asia that could serve as course material and learning tools for students of water management and...
Regular price $40000 $400.00
Your donation of $400 makes ensures that one more tubewell will be dug by teams of local entrepreneurs (often a team leader and three to five young men) providing access to deep clean water, free of pollution while simultaneously creating local employment. What takes a major development organization many months and approximately $10,000 to do, your donation will accomplish with just $400 because your donation...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your gift will provide one water filter that has a tested and proven capacity to reduce the incidence of water borne illness and substantially reduce childhood diarrhea by up to 70%. These water filters have been tested in laboratories all over the world with results consistently showing a more than 99% reduction of all water borne contaminants and fecal coliforms when using highly contaminated sources....
Regular price $50000 $500.00
Rainwater harvesting systems with a capacity of 100,000 liters are enough to meet water and sanitations needs for 500 school children for 6 months. Your gift of $500 will provide clean drinking water to 1 child in school for more than 1 year, will help reach the total cost of $10,000 for such a storage system, and will provide trucked water supply during times of...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your gift will provide 6 communities with access to the tools and skills necessary to build sanitary latrines in safe and secure locations. Not only will your gift result in the provision of somwhere safe and clean for over 6000 people to go to the toilet, but the addition of these facilities empowers communities to be their own catalyast in the reduction of potential dangers...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
You read it right. Your gift of plastic poop will be used in an innovative hygiene training program in Bolivia that facilitates discussion of sanitation issues. Participants are given a "gift" which generates excitement and interest. When they open it, they discover plastic poop (or a fly or rat). It stimulates open discussion and analysis of sanitary practices in their village.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Hygiene education/promotion encourages people to replace their unsafe hygiene practices with simple, safe alternatives. WaterAid and its partners use many ways to promote good hygiene practices and all are based upon the individual community's existing knowledge, beliefs and practices. Our approach to hygiene promotion recognizes that people do not change their behavior simply because they are told about health benefits. People are just as strongly...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your $100 gift will help provide a school sanitary block (total cost $5,000) in a rural Guatemalan school. This project will include water service, adequate, gender-sensitive sanitation facilities, and a hand-washing station to help children develop proper hygiene habits.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your $100 gift for a share of an arsenic filtration unit (total cost $2,000) will help protect the lives and health of West Bengali people for years to come. This simple filtration column is attached to a well and utilizes activated alumina to safely remove arsenic from the groundwater before it reaches the tap. You can help provide safe drinking water and prevent pain and...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your gift of five children's "arbor-loo" latrines will provide five Malawian children with a safe and hygienic way to defecate while developing good hygiene habits that will last a lifetime. This innovative gift will also help the environment. The arbor-loo latrines generate valuable compost that is used to cultivate fruit trees. After each use, ash and dirt are added to feces, which helps eliminate odors...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
With the growing recognition of the importance in local level participation in decision-making processes surrounding water, IWMI has been working in a number of regions around the world to support the formation and running of local level water institutions such as Water User Associations. The Water user associations are a vital approach to ensuring participation by farmers in water management and allocation decision-making. Support to...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will purchase one family's share in a community water system to support small scale production of high value crops like fruits and vegetables. In addition to providing water for irrigation, your gift will furnish water for household uses – drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Better access to water will lead to increased food production, improved nutrition, and greater income and stability for Nepalese families....
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your gift will focus on providing the salaries of eight community hygiene educators for one year, whose work is imperative in teaching proper hygiene practices. WaterAid and its partners use many ways to promote good hygiene practices and all are based upon the individual community's existing knowledge, beliefs and practices. Our approach to hygiene promotion recognizes that people do not change their behavior simply because...