Women And Girls
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Arts and Culture
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Your gift will provide take-home food rations to girls in school for six months to help ease the economic burden on parents. This will help convince parents to keep their daughters in school and free them from their household chores. This gives girls, who otherwise may stay at home, the chance to learn. By promoting education for girls, the World Food Program (WFP) will improve...
Your gift will provide take-home food rations to girls in school for six months to help ease the economic burden on parents. This will help convince parents to keep their daughters in school and free them from their household chores. This gives girls, who otherwise may stay at home, the chance to learn. By promoting education for girls, the World Food Program (WFP) will improve...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
This gift provides five healthy meals for participants in our after-school programming. An essential component of our programming is to provide a full meal since many of the Prevention participants might not receive an adequate meal at home. In the high school program, the teens cook the meals themselves, so they learn how to cook nutritious meals. Your gift will allow us to buy healthy...