Emma Moore 3
About Me
I am the biggest animal-lover you have ever met! That includes my dog and cat (Taco and Tofu), my horse (Edgar Allan Pony), the hummingbirds outside my mom’s kitchen window, the wildlife I see when camping Yosemite, or the whales and elephants that I hope to see in person someday. This passion has shaped my studies, my weekend adventures, my philanthropy, and my career plans.

After graduate school, I plan to become a climate scientist and advocate. I want to continue my research on how best to combat climate change and get better policies put into action!

I’m a junior, majoring in Environmental Science with a minor in Psychology. Because climate change threatens all my animal friends (and all of us!), I am excited to be working in Dr. Henderson’s lab on research into alternative energy sources.

Outside of class, I am the Vice President of theWildlife and Conservation Club. When we are not out hiking and doing clean-ups, we work to spread awareness of the importance of protecting our natural environment. I’m also the Secretary of my sorority, Delta Delta Delta. As the name implies, we are all about change, and we support The Sierra Club. We are the Green Greeks! We maintain a sustainable lifestyle at our sorority house, and we promote that practice to all Greek life on campus!
I’m the goalkeeper on an undefeated club soccer team. I’ve met so many amazing people, and I love the competition. I’m also the co-captain of the intramural tennis team. We hope to bring home the championship this year!

I interned at the United Nations Foundation the year before last, and I got a great internship with Changing The Present this past summer. I loved it! It was a great chance to make an impact, assume a tremendous amount of responsibility, and learn so much. It was also a lot of fun working with wonderful people from around the world. Now, I am continuing with them as a Community Engagement Intern, helping raise awareness at my college.

Dean’s List every semester ・ Sorority Member of the Year ・ Environmental Research Grant

Research ・ Data analytics (I love Python) ・ Academic writing ・ How to care for a baby elephant

I love learning new languages! I’m fluent in French and can get around in Spanish. I just started learning Italian as well, grazie per aver letto la mia pagina!

New York City, Boston, Boulder

Yosemite, Cozumel, Aspen, Paris, Alaska

Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson

This American Life

“The future will either be green or not at all.” — Bob Brown

UMD Wildlife and Conservation Club
Vice President
Debate Club
Club Soccer
Vegan Dinner Club
Chief Cabbage
Intramural Tennis
UMD Changing The Present Club
Student Government
Chair of Environmental Sustainability
Recycling Task Force