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Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Kick Butts Day is the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids' annual celebration of youth leadership and activism, when thousands of kids around the world will stand out, speak up and seize control in the fight against Big Tobacco. KBD educates kids about the dangers of tobacco, while giving youth the tools to take matters into their own hands and achieve real results in tobacco prevention, control...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your donation can send an Action Alert to a network of more than 120,000 E-Champions. E-Champions respond to Action Alerts by reaching out to elected officials and advocating on behalf of the public health community. They take action on a variety of local, state and federal issues by writing letters to the editor of their local paper, participating in virtual protests and call-in days, petitioning...
Regular price $6500 $65.00
Youth are the very best advocates for their own tobacco-free futures. Our Youth Advocates are true leaders at every level, serving the role of spokespersons, organizers, and liaisons to state and national programs. Youth Advocates participate in our annual Youth Advocacy Symposium in the nation's capital, where they learn to organize creative activism and public education campaigns that directly influence state and federal policy priorities....