Global Health
See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Global Health nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Global Health or any cause.
Countries and Regions
Regular price $2000 $20.00
We will buy a toy for each of four children in a family, helping to aid their recovery and provide them with happy moments.
Screening for Underserved Women
Breast Cancer Alliance
Regular price $000 $0.00
For the price of your gift, an institution providing patient navigation or free screening will enable a woman with limited financial means to get the critical, and potentially life-saving mammomgram she needs. When caught early, breast cancer has a survival rate of 90%. Your gift helps to maintain, if not improve, those statistics!
ICRC COVID19 Global appeal
The International Committee Of The Red Cross
Regular price $000 $0.00
Considering this unprecedented situation, the ICRC has integrated actions in our existing work to ensure that we can adequately respond to the pandemic and to help prevent its spread, while ensuring the continuity of our life-saving operations. The ICRC's response to COVID-19 is centered on four primary axes: strengthening support to fragile systems and infrastructure; protecting and assisting in situations of armed conflict and violence;...
Your contribution will help the hospital or nonprofit of your choice battle COVID-19 and help people who need assistance. We are waiving our customary platform fee so that your money can make the greatest impact.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
When you help IMC vaccinate children against diseases like measles, tetanus, and meningitis, you enhance their chance for survival. You also reduce the likelihood of an epidemic, especially in crowded, unsanitary conditions such as refugee camps. Your gift could mean the difference between a child's early death or disability and a future of health and opportunity.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
$100 Could treat as many as 100 children with malaria. Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) costs about $1 per treatment
Regular price $10000 $100.00
$100 for an accompagnateur to visit an HIV patient daily in the home to administer life-saving antiretroviral therapy.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation will provide one vaporizer for a child with asthma.
Regular price $2400 $24.00
$24 will support transportation costs for 4 patients to reach a clinic for care.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
When graduates of the Peter C. Alderman Master Class return to their home countries, they are responsible for training a minimum of 10 healthcare professionals, who in turn will train others. $100 dollars will support one monthly meeting of the International Society Chapter. These funds will cover the cost of bringing at least 10 caregivers to and from the meeting from rural areas throughout the...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
AMREF trains thousands of doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, and community health workers (CORPs) every year. Your gift will train a CORP to recognize and treat common illnesses like diarrhea, respiratory infections, and malaria, which are the leading killers of children in Africa, and to know when they must be taken to a health facility for further treatment. CORPs also learn to educate their communities on...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will train one health care worker to understand local cultures and provide better, more sensitive care — so that more women will use life-saving health services. An FCI project in Ecuador and Bolivia trains health providers to make the simple adjustments — allowing relatives to bring in warm drinks for women in labor (which tradition says will bring a healthy baby) or to...
Regular price $9,99900 $9,999.00
Your donation will finance the training of one doctor who will return to his/her country and treat his traumatized countrymen, who will train others to do the same and who will influence healh care policy.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
AMREF provides voluntary counseling and testing services to people who wish to know their HIV status. Those who are not infected learn how to protect themselves from the disease. Those who are found to be HIV positive are counseled to take the appropriate medication and avoid infecting their loved ones, and are helped to live positive and productive lives even though they have AIDS. Your...
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your donation will help the Guttmacher Institute generate the new ideas needed to influence program development across the spectrum of reproductive health challenges. Be a part of the proactive agenda for sexual and reproductive health worldwide and partner with Guttmacher to: increase contraceptive choice and use; help teenagers delay sex, prevent pregnancy and avoid disease; prove that family planning is a sound investment; guarantee access...
Regular price $3400 $34.00
Trained lab technicians make the entire vision care process come together in the optical laboratory, and play a key role in providing the gift of good sight for a poor person. Your gift of $34 pays for one hour of training for an optical lab techician to help ensure proper lenses for poor patients' eye wear.
Regular price $7,50000 $7,500.00
Your gift will allow both the Siem Reap and Soutr Nikum Clinics to operate for four months. Together they serve a population of approximately 250,000 people and have 6,000 patients visits per year.
Regular price $9,99900 $9,999.00
Your gift will allow the clinic in Tororo, Uganda, to function for up to 3 months. The Tororo Mental Health Clinic delivers psychiatric and family counseling services to a significant portion of victims of terrorism and mass violence
Regular price $75000 $750.00
Your gift of $750 provides vital medical supplies, including antibiotics, bandages and anti-diarrhea medicine, to clinics in villages in Nicaragua, Cambodia and Vietnam. Operation USA has funded the building of community clinics and with your gift they can remain continually stocked with supplies so that health care workers can provide more effective patient care. Availability of basic medical supplies increases the chance of survival when...
Regular price $7100 $71.00
Your gift will provide one month’s worth of latex gloves and band aids for one of our developing country sites. Supplies like this are necessary for these clinics to function and to do so at the highest standards of treatment and care. Access to healthcare in the developing world is often very limited. To date, over 14,000 people have received Voluntary Counseling & Testing (VCT)...