Join our Nonprofit as a High School Ambassador

Enhance your resume as you change the world

"an of the nonprofit world.”

About Changing The Present


We channel to nonprofits and schools some of the $450 billion Americans spend each year on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents.


We do that by making the experience of a donation, which you can give in a friend's name, feel like a rewarding present and an appealing alternative to buying yet more "stuff." We provide:

  • tangible charitable gifts (preserve an acre of the rain forest, fund an hour of cancer research, etc.)
  • personalized printed greeting cards
  • wish lists and registries,
  • gift cards, etc.

Please see this slideshow for an overview of our program.


Imagine the impact we can make together as more and more people adopt this more meaningful type of giving!

Feed a child

Preserve the wilderness

Stop sexual abuse

Shelter animals

Your Role as a School Ambassador


We are recruiting high-performing students and recent graduates to join us as School Ambassadors. Here is your chance to use your skills, talent, and creativity to make the world a better place.


You will:

  • Use social media, school media (the school newspaper, newsletters, and morning announcements), flyers, and more to grow awareness of our program and to promote the concept of donations as meaningful alternative presents
  • encourage students to create profile pages and charitable wish lists or registries, as we discuss here
  • engage with leaders in student government, clubs, teams, and other organizations to encourage them to create charitable fundraising pages on the site
  • start a Changing The Present club at your school
  • raise awareness among nonprofits and other schools in the surrounding community.


Our Student Ambassador Manual will provide detailed instructions, message templates, digital graphics, downloadable flyers, and other marketing assets for your use. We will be launching it, soon.


Provide books for children

Benefits to Student Ambassadors


  • Get the satisfaction of making a tremendous positive difference in the world as we channel to nonprofits some of the $450 billion Americans spend each year on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents.
  • Enhance your resume with a record of achievement and community service. We will gladly provide a letter to report your community service hours.
  • Take on a leadership role, and gain useful life experience, which can be applied to your career and life.
  • Learn a tremendous amount
  • Have a great time working with other outstanding students at your school.

Protect the Environment

Requirements and Qualifications


  • Be a current high school student or a recent graduate
  • Have an outstanding academic record and a proven history of leadership
  • Be active and involved in activities at your school and/or the surrounding community
  • Agree to commit of at least four (4) hours per week for the summer or for the full academic year. (If you can spend more time than that, please see our opportunities for interns and volunteers).

Combat blindness

A Community of School Ambassadors


We will have multiple Campus Ambassadors at each school, so you can collaborate, work as a team, and celebrate your successes together.

Provide safe drinking water

Other Opportunities with Changing The Present


We have a wide range of other internship and volunteer roles, including:

-- Interns and Volunteers at our office or remotely

-- College Ambassadors nationwide (please tell your older friends and siblings).



Our Team


Here are a few of the wonderful students who are currently or were recently on our team. See the wonderful things they and others say about working with us.:

It is Easy to Apply Now!


If you are a high-achieving student and want to make a difference, please send the following to HS-ambassadors [AT] ChangingThePresent [DOT] org:

-- your cover letter, resume, and transcript

-- the social media accounts you manage

-- the links to the wish list you create on our site


Thank you very much! We look forward to hearing from you.