See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Cancer nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Cancer or any cause.
Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Regular price $5000 $50.00
CancerCare Assist® is one of the longest running and best regarded financial assistance programs in the country. Your contribution will help a man with cancer pay for the gas that gets him to and from essential medical treatment.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will provide one Healthy Children Healthy Futures Tool Kit to teach children in one classroom to become advocates through their schools, families and communities for healthy eating and increased physical activity. The tool kit contains materials necessary for the implementation of the program at a school or community site, including a Facilitator Guide. Facilitators learn how to teach children to produce posters, radio...
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Cancer Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Our CancerCare Connect® seminars, led by oncology social workers, give people the chance to ask questions directly to medical experts. Being connected with others facing the same crisis reminds them they’re not alone. Your gift will help a lung cancer patient participate in an hour-long Telephone Education Workshop.
Regular price $500 $5.00
This gift will provide one Tea Tree Therapy Mouthwash for inclusion in our Chemo Comfort kits. This is often one of the favorite items in our kit. Chemo Comfort kits help cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy by providing them with kits of products to manage the side effects of treatment. Over 70% of our kits were donated in 2008.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will provide analysis of DNA gel samples. Agarose gel electrophoresis is the easiest and commonest way of separating and analyzing DNA. The purpose of the gel might be to look at the DNA, to quantify it or to isolate a particular band. The DNA is visualised in the gel by addition of ethidium bromide. This binds strongly to DNA by intercalating between the...
Regular price $12000 $120.00
Go4theGoal is supporting the research at Dr. Jeff Toretsky's lab at Lonbardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. His work with Ewing's Sarcoma is progressing with the identification of proteins that will effectively kill the Ewing's cells. In 2007, we purchased a protein purification machine that has allowed them to move forward and this year, we have granted them money for a research chemist to...
Regular price $8000 $80.00
Go4theGoal is supporting the research at Dr. Jeff Toretsky's lab at Lonbardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. His work with Ewing's Sarcoma is progressing with the identification of proteins that will effectively kill the Ewing's cells. In 2007, we purchased a protein purification machine that has allowed them to move forward and this year, we have granted them money for a research chemist to...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has a longstanding commitment to providing the best cancer care to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. Your gift will ensure MSKCC continues to make this vital assistance available to as many of our patients and their families as possible so that they may focus on their most important role—successfully undergoing cancer treatment.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your donation will fund the production and distribution of guides that teach caregivers how to keep children and teens safe from cancer-causing UV rays. These educational guides will be distributed, free of charge, at health clinics, schools, through community wellness programs, and other programs and location. Your gift will help 400 parents and/or caregivers learn how to incorporate skin cancer prevention and sun protection in...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
CancerCare Connect® online and telephone support groups bring together people from around the country. They can hear the voices of others in a similar situation, helping them feel like a part of a larger community of support.
Regular price $1,20000 $1,200.00
You can help someone with cancer join one of our online or telephone support groups for four whole months. That’s four months of support with professionals and fellow patients who share similar concerns, resources and coping skills.
Regular price $50000 $500.00
Your donation will help us to reach our goal of building 3 Lion's Dens at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Hackensack Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. To check out current Lion's Dens, visit the website www.cic16.org
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation will help us to reach our goal of building 3 Lion's Dens at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Hackensack Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. To check out current Lion's Dens, visit the website www.cic16.org
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your donation will help us to reach our goal of building 3 Lion's Dens at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Hackensack Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. To check out current Lion's Dens, visit the website www.cic16.org
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Kick Butts Day is the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids' annual celebration of youth leadership and activism, when thousands of kids around the world will stand out, speak up and seize control in the fight against Big Tobacco. KBD educates kids about the dangers of tobacco, while giving youth the tools to take matters into their own hands and achieve real results in tobacco prevention, control...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
We will provide SunSmart Community packets to people who want to get involved in making their towns sun-safe. This gift will provide 5 community leaders SunSmart Community awareness packets which contain sample letters for getting sun-safety legislation enacted on a local and state level; information on shade structures and trees; how-to information on organizing a skin cancer screening; tips to incorporate sun protection in schools...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
There are new technologies through which we are developing an understanding of genes proteins and networks – offering the possibility to shift from a one-size fits all model. Your gift will help accelerate a cure for brain cancer through supporting pioneering innovation and technology to find the right therapy for the right patient at the right time. This approach will redefine the nature of the...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your gift will help us find and bring together young adults to provide each other with critical peer support, independent of their hospital, oncology practice or individual diagnosis. In a safe environment, they will be able to share experiences, thoughts and fears, and make connections to sustain them and help them move on with their lives, in or out of treatment.
Regular price $20000 $200.00
We put together baskets containing iPods, iTunes gift cards, DVD players and DVDs, other personal gaming or music devices or gift cards. High school students help us to put them together and deliver them to the hospitals just before Christmas for each oncology patient served at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Hackensack Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University.